Coleopetra meaning “hard wings”: 370,000 species, e.g. beetles Hymenoptera “membrane wings”; 198,000 species, e.g. ants, bees, wasps Lepidopetra “Scaly wings”: 165,000 species, e.g.butterflies and moths Diptera “two—wings”: 122,000 species, e.g. midges, mosquitoes, true flies Hemiptera '”half wings”: 82,000 species, e.g. aphids and cicads Orthoptera “straight wings”: 20,000 species, e.g. crickets and locusts Trichoptera “hairy wings”: 8,000 species, e.g. caddisflies Coliembola “sticky peg”: 6,500 species, e.g. springtails Phthiraptera “louse wings”: 6,000 species, e.g. bitting and sucking lice Odonata “toothed flies”: 5,500 species, e.g. dragonflies